Territories News
The Renova Foundation works to repair the municipalities affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam, by promoting and diversifying the local economy, in addition to actions that promote the resumption of the productive capacity of the regions and sociocultural and environmental development. This work is carried out on several fronts and serves, in total, 43 cities in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.
In this space you will find official information about the actions carried out, including all the news, videos, newspapers produced with the communities and the Momento da Reparação, the radio program of the Renova Foundation. All this content is divided into the following territories: Mariana, Alto, Médio, Calha, Baixo and Foz do Rio Doce.
Alto Rio Doce
- Barra Longa
- Rio Doce
- Santa Cruz do Escalvado
Baixo Rio Doce
- Aimorés
- Baixo Guandu
- Colatina
- Itueta
- Marilândia
- Resplendor