Fundação Renova


Published in: 06/26/2018

Local Commissions

This structure stands closest to the community and will be formed voluntarily by those affected who live in the impacted regions. There are 19 commissions, but this number may increase up to one commission for each municipality listed in the TTAC. Indigenous peoples and other traditional peoples and communities will also be ensured of representation.

It will be up to the commissions themselves, supported by technical advisory bodies from external organizations, to decide on their formation and functioning. Currently, only Mariana and Barra Longa have commissions of affected parties and advisory bodies (Caritas do Brasil and Aedas, respectively).

To define the advisory bodies in other municipalities, a term of reference will be created by specialists working for the Prosecution Service and called in for the agreement with experts. They will define technical qualification and parameters for the advisory services.

It is expected that the first commissions will be formed in six months and that, within a year, it will be possible to assess the need to expand the initially defined amount. The main missions of these commissions are:

  • Propose adjustments to the actions in progress in the territory within scope;
  • To know, to understand and to supervise the work of the Renova Foundation in progress in its respective territory;
  • Keep the community informed on what is planned and happens locally.

Regional Boards

Because the impacted region is a very large area, there may be a need to equalize the actions taking place in the municipalities in line with their neighbors. To have this broader perspective, up to six Regional Boards will be created, with an equally independent constitution and organization and access to the technical advisory services.

They are not hierarchically superior to Local Commissions, but will take care of the alignment of proposals originating from them – for example, the formulation of a consortium to build a landfill. They may propose actions and programs, to be sent in the same way as the commissions.

While Local Commissions and Regional Boards do not consolidate, community members who must participate at different levels of governance will be appointed by the commissions currently in place in Mariana and Barra Longa. The criteria for these and future nominations, as well as the representatives’ positions, will be pointed out by the Commissions and Regional Boards themselves and will be defined internally.

CIF and Technical Boards

The CIF is chaired by IBAMA and consists of representatives of the Union, the governments of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, the impacted municipalities and the Doce River Basin Committee. In the new set up of the CIF, there will be four seats with voting rights for representatives of the affected parties (two from Minas Gerais and two from Espirito Santo), in addition to two members of the Prosecution Service and one of the Public Defender’s Office – the last three will have the right to speak, but not the vote. To the Technical Boards – whose decisions are indicative and not deliberative -, will be added a representative of the Prosecution Service and one of the Public Defender’s Office, plus the representatives indicated by those affected, who may be assisted by their respective technical advisors at the meetings.

Advisory Board

It will be made up of four representatives of the Doce River Basin Committee, seven representatives of affected people appointed by local commissions and two representatives of NGOs related to marine life (appointed by CIF) and environmental rights (appointed by Prosecution Service). Three representatives of the academic institution (appointed by the Renova Foundation, CIF and Prosecution Service), a representative of an economic development entity (appointed by the Renova Foundation) and two members of human rights NGOs (appointed by Prosecution Service and Public Defender’s Office).

Board of Governors

It will have nine members, six representatives of the maintainers, one member appointed by the CIF and two representatives appointed by the Regional Boards. The Prosecution Service will still be invited, but is not a member. Decisions will continue to be made by simple majority.

Forum of Observers

It will neither integrate the governance structure nor will it become part of the structure of the Renova Foundation. It will be composed of representatives of civil society, academics, affected individuals and traditional peoples and communities. It will follow what is being done in post-collapse recovery and will generate non-binding opinions. It will also follow the work of the Prosecution Service specialists and keep them up to date on the progress of everything.


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