RFP Doce MG will invest in initiatives that positively impact 36 Minas Gerais municipalities hit by the Fundao dam collapse
The Renova Foundation opened a new RFP to promote and support initiatives in the areas of tourism, culture, sport and recreation in the municipalities of Minas Gerais that were impacted by the Fundao dam collapse. The RFP Doce MG will invest up to R$ 9 million in selected projects.
Individuals, microentrepreneurs, collectives and informal groups, non-profit organizations and companies may all participate. To be selected, the tenderer must have an office, headquarters or residence in any of the municipalities listed in the RFP.
The RFP Doce MG covers 36 Minas Gerais municipalities. They are: Aimores, Alpercata, Barra Longa, Belo Oriente, Bom Jesus do Galho, Bugre, Caratinga, Conselheiro Pena, Corrego Novo, Dionisio, Fernandes Tourinho, Galileia, Governador Valadares, Iapu, Ipaba, Ipatinga, Itueta, Mariana, Marlieria, Naque, Periquito, Pingo D’Água, Ponte Nova, Raul Soares, Resplendor, Rio Casca, Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Santana do Paraíso, Sao Domingos do Prata, Sao Jose do Goiabal, Sao Pedro dos Ferros, Sem Peixe, Sobralia, Timoteo, Tumiritinga.
Registration is free and open! Those interested have until 11/08/2019 to send their proposals in.
Visit the RFP page, read the full content for further information.