Fundação Renova

Registration underway for the collection of information on the losses and damages caused by the Fundao dam collapse in Mariana

Published in: 03/06/2018

Integrated Registration

The questionnaire is part of the first stage of the registration process for affected communities of Mariana, which began in February 2018

Professionals from the Renova Foundation and the Technical Advisory Body of the Commission of Affected Parties – Caritas, have been visiting affected families in their homes since February to have them answer the questionnaire to survey the losses and damages caused by the Fundao dam collapse. It is estimated that about 760 families from Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo and the sub-districts and districts of Pedras, Borba, Campinas, Ponte do Gama, Paracatu de Cima and Camargos will be heard in the first stage of the registration.

The questions listed in the questionnaire of the registration process mainly aim to identify the losses and damages to material assets and economic activities of the family members. They also record the losses and damages related to the use of the communities’ public spaces and services and the individual impacts related to one’s ways of life.

According to Jaqueline Vilela, from the Registration team of the Renova Foundation, this registration is different from what was done during the emergency period, shortly after the dam collapse, to identify those affected and provide emergency care. “This collection of information is essential for us to jointly construct repair and compensation actions, like resettlement, indemnification and the resumption of productive activities,” Jaqueline explains.

Questionnaire used in Mariana was constructed collectively. | Photo: Nitro Images

Registration continues

About 60 Renova professionals are accompanying Caritas technicians on scheduled visits to the temporary residences of the families of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo and the subdistricts and districts of Pedras, Borba, Campinas, Ponte do Gama, Paracatu de Cima and Camargos. The registration is also for micro and small businesses and associations that act as productive units.

Information collected during the questionnaires is confidential and families receive a copy of the document.

Registration set up by many hands

The Registration process, its steps and the questions listed on the questionnaire were prepared by a technical group formed by the Commissions of Affected Parties and their Technical Advisory Bodies, by the Prosecution Service and Renova, considering the impact and the proximity of the communities to the Fundao Dam.

All steps of the process were agreed between the Renova Foundation, the Commissions of Affected Parties and their Technical Advisory Bodies and the Prosecution Service of Minas Gerais. The process is expected to be completed by the end of May.

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