Fundação Renova

Partnership With Ifes Will Offer 840 Scholarships In Improvement And Specialization Courses

Published in: 08/17/2022

Lower Doce River Territory , Doce River Mouth Territory , Educator Training

Vacancies are intended for public school teachers in the municipalities of Baixo Guandu, Marilândia, Colatina and Linhares (ES)

The Public Network Educator Training project developed by the Renova Foundation, in partnership with the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes), will make available around 840 scholarships for Improvement and Specialization courses, and 21 scholarships for the Master’s and Doctoral program for public school teachers. The places will be offered to professionals from Baixo Guandu, Marilândia, Colatina and Linhares, in Espírito Santo.

The courses aim to promote the training, at the postgraduate level, of educators, who are teachers, managers and community representatives who work in public schools of basic education in the municipalities covered. In addition to training at different levels of capacitation with practical actions that result in educational products, thus generating real impacts for the school and the municipality.

There will be 700 places available for the course on Improvement in Environmental Education Methodologies and 140 places for the Specialization course in Environmental Education. Enrollment is expected to open in the second half of 2022 and courses to begin in the first half of 2023.

The Public Network Educator Training project will receive a total investment of approximately R$10 million in resources that will be transferred by the Renova Foundation.

Master’s and Doctoral Scholarships

The agreement also includes 21 scholarships from the master’s and doctoral program at Ifes for research in the area of socio-environmental education. At this first moment, seven master’s and seven doctoral scholarships were awarded, which began in April.

The program provides for the offer of another seven master’s scholarships that will be made available in 2023. The first recipients were selected among students who had already passed the internal selection of Ifes, at the end of 2021, for the master’s and doctoral programs.

With the program, the scholarship holders become part of the Educator Training Project in Environmental Education at Espirito Santo Schools of Rio Doce (also called the Rio Doce Escolar project) and will develop research focused on the production of knowledge related to the training of educators, socio-environmental policy education and revitalization of the Doce River Basin.

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