In April, the Simplified Indemnity System surpassed the R$ 1 billion mark in indemnity payments. The payment flow, implemented following the 12th Federal Court decision in August 2020, permits the indemnification of categories with hard-to-prove damages caused by the Fundao dam collapse (MG), such as washerwomen, artisans, sand harvesters, trash scavengers, mineral extractors, subsistence fishermen, among others. Of this amount, around R$400 million were earmarked for 4,000 affected people in Minas Gerais and R$660 million for 7,000 affected people in Espirito Santo.
Baixo Guandu, in Espirito Santo, and Naque, in Minas Gerais, were the first towns to join the Simplified Indemnity System, which was implemented in 22 locations that petitioned the 12th Federal Court. Today the system is open to nine locations. In the other 13, it was closed on April 30, in compliance with a court decision. According to the damage category, the settlements are a one-off and definitive payment, as ruled by the Court, and they vary from R$17 thousand to R$567 thousand. Click here and see the amounts for each category and location.
Joining the Simplified Indemnity System is optional and must be done through the Attorney’s Portal on the Renova Foundation website To adhere, people must be represented by an attorney or public defender in compliance with a court decision. In addition, it must be confirmed that the claimant was at least 16 years of age at the time of the dam collapse and that they registered or requested registration in the Renova Foundation database by April 30, 2020.
The Renova Foundation has dedicated teams to handle any possible issues arising when using the platform. It is in permanent contact with the claimants’ attorneys by SMS, e-mail, or WhatsApp. Attorneys can also call 0800 031 2303 for any questions or concerns.