Fundação Renova

Community of Gesteira organizes Festa Junina festivities in the district

Published in: 07/14/2017

Culture and Leisure , Sports and Leisure

Last Saturday’s event drew a large crowd

Last Saturday, July 8, the community of Gesteira in Barra Longa (MG) gathered to celebrate the Festa Junina, already a tradition in the district, but which could not take place last year. In order for everything to go well and according to the community’s taste, the residents organized a commission to split tasks, such as organizing square dances, decoration, and the sale of food and beverages.

The result was a lively and colorful party, which featured games for children, square dance by kids and adults, concerts and the sale of typical foods and drinks, such as canjica (sweet corn porridge), manioc broth and tropeiro beans. Most people were dressed in typical costumes to get into the mood of the event.

Community of Gesteira holds Festa Junina. | Photo: Mara Fantini

“The party was really good. Every person in the community helped a little. The square was decorated on Friday. What I liked the most was the adults’ square dance. We rehearsed for the party on weekends in June. It was very beautiful”, says Rosangela Santos of the Gesteira community.

According to Maria das Graças Santo Costa, alias “Gracinha”, the square dance was also the hit of the party. “The square dance was a huge success. It was a big square packed with dancing couples. She was all dressed up and the people who danced also had paid a lot of attention to their outfits. It was very beautiful”, she says.

The only thing she regrets is that the community lost its event hall after the Fundão dam collapse. It was fully equipped with a kitchen. “When we had the event hall, it was easier because we had all things there. As it was on the square, we had to carry everything”, she explains. The community hall, as well as the other buildings and infrastructures of Gesteira de Baixo that were affected by the collapse, will be rebuilt on the new site where the district will be located.

The Renova Foundation supported the community by understanding the importance of remaining united and maintaining its traditions.

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