Fundação Renova

Casa Bordada carries out cultural rescue and economic recovery in Barra Longa by valuing crafts

Published in: 10/04/2024

Culture , Economic development , entrepreneurs

Project encourages the recovery and training of local entrepreneurs and artisans


Promote economic recovery and reparation of cultural heritage in Barra Longa. This is the objective of Casa Bordada (Embroidered House), a project that offers free workshops and lectures and encourages women’s economic independence through the restructuring and training of local entrepreneurs and artisans.

Developed in partnership with fashion designer Ronaldo Fraga, the initiative proposes the recovery of cultural references and intangible heritage through three fronts of action: Cultural Mapping, Economic Mapping and Development of Territorial Marketing. In this way, the initiative values the artisans’ knowledge about hand embroidery and encourages the production of pieces inspired by their memory and identity. At the same time, the methodology presents participants with other knowledge necessary for the maintenance and growth of the business, such as ways to promote the territory and attract more visitors, investments and opportunities.

Among the creations that will be produced at Casa Bordada, the Richelieu stands out, an ancient open embroidery technique, similar to lace, used to create figures such as flowers, leaves and other shapes outlined through a stitch called “casear”. At Casa Bordada, in addition to handmade pieces, women will develop strategies for marketing their crafts. The website, social networks, virtual and printed product catalog are in the creation phase, in addition to participation in events of national relevance such as the Creative Week of Tiradentes. The sale of products is also planned to take place at business rounds in other regions of the country.

About the project

The Casa Bordada project is based on two works developed by Ronaldo Fraga. In 2018, under the designer’s curation, a collective of 32 local artisans developed the “As Mudas” collection, which was presented at that year’s São Paulo Fashion Week. Over time, the partnership with Fraga expanded, resulting in the creation of another work, called “Minha Casa em Mim”, which involved 175 participants in the reinterpretation and development of artisanal and agricultural products. Until, in 2024, the project’s scope was expanded, achieving the restructuring and training of productive groups, entrepreneurs and local artists, culminating in the inauguration of Casa Bordada.

The place was adapted and has areas for practical activities, a room equipped with sewing machines, meeting space, kitchen and living area. The expected duration of the project is 18 months. Currently, 71 artisans are being assisted, 54 in Barra Longa and 17 in Mariana, where the initiative operates at the municipality’s Casa dos Saberes, at Rua Wenceslau Braz, 730, Centro, and only includes artisans included in the Renova Foundation resettlement program.

In Barra Longa, Casa Bordada is open to artisans and the entire local community. Free registration for courses can be done by WhatsApp and, in person, at the property address, at Avenida Capitão Manoel Carneiro, 306, Centro, Barra Longa, from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm.

The economics and innovation analyst at the Renova Foundation, Gilzele Marins, highlighted the importance of the project: “Casa Bordada strengthens productive activities linked to local art, providing income generation opportunities for dozens of women. Furthermore, it values culture, identity and sense of belonging, promoting greater independence, autonomy and self-esteem among participants.”

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