Traditional and indigenous communities


The relationship with indigenous communities is based on the principles of free, prior and informed involvement. Through these principles we seek to facilitate engagement in order to develop short, mid and long-term solutions, avoiding paternalistic approaches, and that can create concrete initiatives to address local issues. The implementation of an engagement process with the Guarani and Tupiniquim peoples, located in the region of Aracruz, in Espírito Santo state, facilitated the creation of a positive agenda of activities and transparency in implementing emergency agreements. A good example of this is the inclusion of some of the communities in the water resources monitoring program. We have been helping to maintain access to the villages and water supply to homes, schools, health clinics, cultural centres and cattle watering systems in a Krenak indigenous reserve, in the area of Resplendor. The engagement channels are maturing, based on the respectful observation of the dynamics and decisions of the Krenak people.

The challenge for the future is to produce permanent solutions that can gradually replace the emergency ones. However, indigenous requirements (Estudo da Componente Indígena) will have to be studied before we can achieve this, in accordance with the guidance and with the consent of the indigenous communities, as well as FUNAI and SESAI (Indigenous Health Care Department) agencies. This will help us build a plan of action. We are in face of a great opportunity to mitigate, recover and develop this land based on indigenous peoples own interests.

The field study conducted by Fundação Cultural Palmares and the Polifônicas consultancy firm identified impacts on the traditional Degredo quilombola population, in Linhares, Espírito Santo state. A detailed survey of the quilombola population is also being commissioned to determine the impacts and the socio-environmental programs to be implemented. Emergency actions are taking place in Minas Gerais state to mitigate the impacts on gold prospectors, which involves identifying and recognizing these communities with the significant participation of the State Commission for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities of the State of Minas Gerais.